While it’s true that practically every person I know specially those who belongs to the third world countries dream to explore and experience the adventure America has to offer, reality is adventure begin even before you enter this land of opportunity.
And just like every single person who posses a passport that cannot get you through United States without that visa stamp, adventure start as soon you decide to acquire approval to your USA Visa. I myself was not exempt in this adventure in obtaining my B1/B2 visa last month.
The difficulties I encountered trying to get tourist visas convinced me, in their own way about the importance of preparedness, the more prepared you are, the better your chance of getting a tourist visa.
It would have been nice if there was a brief and straight to the point guide on the application of visa in Qatar by the time I was applying for mine, cause like most people , I get bored reading long stuff only to get the key word for my next move. and that’s exactly why I’m creating this blog post.
So without further ado, this is how I acquired my B2/B1 visa at the Embassy of United States in Qatar.
1.GO TO WEBSITE : US Embassy in Qatar Website
The key here is “preparedness”
Just like any other visa application, you need to fill up a visa application form or in this case (DS-160) form. But let me warn you, since the DS-160 form is online, the session time out approximately every 5 minutes, so you should avoid a down time from your end.
Things you need to prepare before filling up the DS-160 form to avoid down time:
- Address where you will be staying in America (Can be a hotel booking, if planning to stay in a few hotels, just one address is enough)
- Job Description (if you are currently/previously employed)
- Passport Details
- A Digital Photograph
A. Test your Photo
Before you begin with the application, it is a good idea to first test your photo to see if it is an acceptable photo as per the standard photo requirements. You may also choose to do it later.
Save the approved photo that you tried to cropped using a free photo tool. You will upload it at the end of the DS-160 form.
B. Fill up the DS-160 form Click me
A screen like this will open. Choose Qatar as a location, enter the code and select start an application.
You will be taken to the page below, take note of your application ID, you can retrieve your application through this ID. Answer the security question to proceed and start with completing your DS-160 form.

Random Application ID taken from US Embassy in Qatar Site
The application form (DS-160) is about 5-6 pages, once you're done with your application form take time to review it, upload your digital photograph and complete your application.
After successfully completing the application, you will receive a confirmation with a 10-digit barcode. Take a printout of this page. This will be needed for setting up your visa interview appointment. (Sample Picture below)
a) In the Schedule your appointment page, create your account.
b) After creating an account and logging in successfully, click on New Application/Schedule Appointment on the left hand side.
c) Step 1, Visa Type - select Nonimmigrant Visa and click Continue.
d) Step 3, Visa category - select Business/Tourism or All others. Click Continue.
e) In Select Visa Class select B1/B2 - VISITOR FOR BUSINESS AND PLEASURE. Click Continue.
f) Step 5, complete your personal data which includes your passport details, contact information and mailing address.
g) Step 6, add any dependents to your application (like if you are applying with your kids/spouse). Click Continue.
h) Complete step 7 questions. until a Important Note on Visa Fees pop out and click confirm.
i) On the payment option click on commercial bank logo which will lead to a US Visa Application Fee Deposit Slip. Print this slip and bring with you once you make your payment. ( Please note of the expiration date in the slip).
j) Make your payment at any Commercial Bank and don't forget to bring the following. (Please note that visa fee is not refundable)
♦ Original and copy of your passport
♦ Your Qatar ID
♦ US Visa application fee deposit slip.
♦ Qatari Riyals (QAR 584) - as of this writing.
♦ DS 160 confirmation page.
Save the bank receipt for your records. It cannot be replaced if it is lost. You will need the receipt number on the bank receipt to schedule your visa appointment. Once you pay your visa fee, your visa Payment will only be activated after 11 am the next business day of 24 hours AFTER making the payment. You cannot schedule an appointment before this time. .

Note : Payment amount is for 3 applicants.
Log-in to your profile and complete the Schedule Your Appointment steps with your receipt number.
A calendar with available times will then display. Pick the day and time that is most convenient for you and then print out the subsequent Appointment Confirmation Letter. Also consider the amount of time you need to complete all the necessary documents.
While it's not all the time that a Consulate Officer will ask for your documents, It is always best to have everything ready in case they asked for it.
♠ Appointment Confirmation - Highly important
♠ DS-160 Form - Highly important
♠ visa application (CBQ) fee payment receipt
♠ Confirmation Page - Highly important
♠ Employment Cert addressed to the US Embassy in Qatar - Highly important!
♠ Pay slips (3months)
♠ Bank Statement (6 mos.) - Highly important
♠ Birth Certificate
♠ Original Passport + copy of all stamped pages - Highly important
♠ Original RP + Copy
♠ Company CR Copy
♠ Copy of bank accounts in Philippines
♠ Contract of Investment in Philippines
♠ Itinerary Plan
Arrival Time:
Applicants must arrive at the Embassy on time for their appointment. Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to your appointment time. If you arrive early, you will not be allowed to enter the Embassy until 15 minutes prior to your appointment time. Late arrivals may be required to reschedule. Your appointment time is when you are expected at the front of the Embassy, not your interview.
Security Screening:
All visitors must be screened prior to entering the Embassy and are subject to inspection via a walk-through metal detector and a hand-held metal detector. Due to security considerations, there is no information window for walk-in visitors at the U.S. Embassy. Only visa applicants with scheduled interviews will be admitted.
Prohibited Items (DO NOT Bring to the Embassy):
The following items are prohibited inside the U.S. Embassy and we have no storage facilities for them. Please do not bring them to the U.S Embassy as there will be no exceptions:
- Mobile phones
- Blackberries
- Cameras
- Laptop computers
- MP3, CD, or cassette players
- Pagers
- Keyless remotes
- E-readers such as iPads or Kindles
- Other battery-operated or electronic devices
- Sealed envelopes or packages
- Thumb drives
- Helmets of any type
- Backpacks, bags, luggage, or large purses (purses 32 x 25 x 15 cm. and smaller will be permitted)
- Food and liquid items
- Cigarettes & cigars
- Fire-lighting equipment (e.g. matches, lighters)
- Weapons or explosive materials of any kind, including mace or pepper spray
- Tools, including any sharp or bladed objects such as scissors, pen knives, or nail files
- Any oils, aerosols or pump sprays, liquids, lotions and powders
This list is not all-inclusive and there are no exceptions. The U.S. Embassy reserves the right to deny entry of any item.
Permitted Items:
- Small bags to carry necessary documents
- Passport and relevant documents
- Wallet/small purse
- Newspaper/books in printed form only (e.g. no Kindles, iPads or other e-readers)
- Writing materials
- Car/house keys
- Medication and medical items prescribed to the applicant and essential for the visit.
Bank Receipt:
You are required to present your original bank receipt to the Consular Officer during your interview.
Applicants under 14 years of age who have legal right to reside in Qatar or are Qatari citizens do not need to come to the Embassy for an interview. Applicants under 14 who do not have Qatari citizenship or permission to reside in Qatar must attend the interview.
Applicants 80 or over are not required to appear for a nonimmigrant visa interview at the U.S Embassy. These applicants may choose to send a representative in their stead.
Interview Requirement
All applicants are required to appear for an in-person interview, except those listed above, including those traveling for medical treatment.
DS-160 Applications and Appointments
All applicants, including children, must have their own DS-160 application completed and an appointment, even if the child is not required to attend the interview.
Applicants should bring all supporting documents which would support their application. The U.S. Embassy recommends salary and employment letters and six months of all personal bank statements.
So how did your interview go? What questions were asked of you?
Wow its always nice to meet Pinoy bloggers from Qatar. Keep it up!
Hi, Ellaine! May I know what questions did they ask you?
Lucky for me. I was only asked for my purpose of travel. I was going to spend Eid holiday in the US so that’s what I told the officer.
Thanks for you guidance.I want to apply for visa
Mam i have a problem, i’m about to set an appointment for my interview but sad to say everytime i entered my receipt number it say there that there is no valid record.. ano po dapat kong gawin? Thank u and god bless!!
Hi Mylene, sorry for the late response. I hope you have fixed the issue with your login process. If you still need my assistance you can like my facebook page and send me a message via messenger.
Hi,needs tour feedback with regards in acquiring B1B2 i am currently in Doha working as Asst Exec HK in St.Regis..and I am applyinng for Yacht job and with this they required B1 B2 prioir to application..What will be the best preparation or reason as i am just applying and will be a big question as to why I am getting this visa?
Pls i hope you can assist me…
Hi, Marivic, B1/B2 is also the same visa granted for people who want to visit the USA as a tourist, so you may try your luck and apply as if you are going there for tourism. I am no expert in USA visa, I just wrote about my experience. In any case, I am willing to assist you with personal knowledge, and you can send me a private message at ellaine@travellaine.com
I’m applying b1/b2 us visa for my training in florida , training school provide me a visa letter.
My company here in qatar is base in UK and we are under sporsorship with other company, what company letter do I need to prepare? From my sponsor or from my uk company? Salamat sa article.
God bless travellaine.
Hi Jerome, Like everything else in Qatar, I believe you need to provide a letter from your sponsor Company. But in any case you can get both, it will be really helpful for you to present it as a supporting documents.
Hi Thanks for ths informatve blog. I just want to know if my travel would be next year maybe on October 2018 can I apply the tourist visa now?
I scheduled for visa review B1/B2 (applied DS-160 online form)
Can you advise me whether my kids need to be present in the interview (ages 15 and 11)?
Q: Do all children have to come in person for their appointment?
A: No. Only children under age 14 applying for F-1, M-1 and J-1 visas are required to appear in person for an interview.
Once the Interview is done, lets say its positive, how long would I wait to get the visa?
I have already Canadian Visa stamp in my Passport, its also a visitors visa.
Hi Mark,
The process defend entirely with the US Embassy. I got mine after 3 days later. But I have friends who had delayed, so please check directly with the Embassy.
hello Ellaine. thanks for the information.
I just wanted to ask if the 6 months bank statements is really required? I just started working here in Doha last April 22, 2017. I wanted to apply my tourist visa application on September for upcoming travel plans by December. When do you think is the best time to apply? If they require 6 months bank statement, ill have to wait until October if that so. Thanks. Hoping for your response soon.
Hi Emily,
The Apointment Confirmation form specifically state the below
Salary/Employment Letters and Bank Statements
Applicants should bring all supporting documents which would support their application. The U.S. Embassy recommends salary and employment letters and six months of all personal bank statements.
While I personally believe that a big part of US visa approval is the number of years you’ve stayed in your company. I dont stop you from trying as it may differ from case to case. If you got decline this time you can re- apply after 6 months.
Hi! I am an expat here in Dubai and wants to apply for US Visa (B/B2). I just wanted to ask on what address you rote is DS-160 Form, Qatar or Philippines? Appreciate your reply. Thank you 🙂
Hello Ja,
It depends where you want to apply. If you want to apply in the Philippines then you write your Philippine Address, If in Dubai- Dubai Address same goes with Qatar
hi, Do we need to leave the passport at the embassy while waiting for result?
Hi Jame,
Yes, they will definitely take your passport just like any Embassy when applying for a visa.
If they take your passport, your visa might be approved. Otherwise they will hand it back to you during interview and tell you to re-apply after 6 months.
It’s transition is very fast though, my friend got interviewed Thursday last week and got a message today that his pasport can now be collected.
Any advise on the pocket money? How much money should be in the bank account?
Anon, This information is not for me to say cause there is no hard and fast rule on same, Generally following this 2 rules 1. recommended Statement Should reflect regular transactions, which states that you use bank regularly 2. No sudden cash deposit of any amount out of order. There is no predefined rule however the more amount you have better is the opportunity.
In my case, the interviewer did not even ask for proofs. I suggest you focus on the reasons why you will be back in the country.
What is Confirmation Page?
Because I have Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160) Confirmation print out (2 pages), is this it?
And on my DS-160 Form, it says do not bring to the interview as it is a personal copy.
Hi Vit,
It wasn’t asked during my interview. But it might be needed, You need to be ready. If you don’t want to bring it, it’s all up to you.
Thanks for your precious guidance.
Thank you Fazeel for the appreciation.
Hi Ms. Ellaine.
i have a question sis. You see I am completing my DS 160 form. Unfortunately Im stuck with the permanent residency question. Is having residence id (qatar id) corresponds as permanent residency. I cant go on with my online application because of this.
Hoping to hear from you sis.
Your travels are truly inspiring. Godbless
Hi Mutya,
Yes! having a residency ID corresponds as permanent residency. If you need to ask more question with your application you can contact me through my travel page (https://www.facebook.com/travellaine/?ref=bookmarks) where I can see your message immediately.
Thank you for all the information you have provided. However, I was wondering how much of a salary we are supposed to be getting per month to reflect on our bank account. Also, what is the current bank balance to be available on the time we apply for the US visa?
Hi Raiden,
Your bank statement Should reflect regular transactions, which states that you use bank regularly. However, figuratively I have a friend who get a salary of 6,500 QAR and only 11,000 riyals balance in her submitted bank statement and where granted 10 years visa. She doesn’t have accommodation allowance in her salary Certificate but she lives with her father and that is what the officer asked her. She was also asked where her father is working. So, In as much as you want to focus on ensuring the officer you can finance yourself in your travel to US, focus as well on the reasons why you will be back in the country.
Hi sis, i read your blog about applying a tourist visa in US from qatar, i just want to ask until wat tym can you schedule your appointment for interview in embassy because my work is from 8 in the morning until 4pm. And also do you know someone that has been approved eventhough they have loan here in Doha
Hi Jaysprincess I may have answered your query on my facebook page message already.
You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be really something
which I think I would never understand. It seems too complicated
and extremely broad for me. I’m looking forward for your next post, I will
try to get the hang of it!
You forgot to mention the 2X2 Passport size photographs which needs to be carreid. isnt it ?
Hi Albert the photographed required for US Visa is digital. If you are confident you comply with the photo requirement then there is no need for a printed photo.
May I know what is the minimum salary required for getting Usa visiting visa ?? As my relatives are settled their, a invitation letter from them is enough right??
Hi Ligin,
I am not personally employed by US Embassy. What I’ve written on this blog is a step by step guide on the procedure of applying for a B1/B2 Visa online. Hence, I cannot answer that question.
Hi Madam,
May I know what’s your facebook page so that I can I asked you some info about B1/B2 Visa
Hi mam,
Any idea if it is possible to submit another application? In my case, I have completed the DS-160, submitted and received an email confirmation. I just felt that I may have missed few details (like countries visited, I guess I have overlooked) that’s why I’d like to redo it. I have not yet paid any fee and not arranged a schedule for interview. Thanks in advance.